
WiththislittletoolyoucaneitherenterRGB(Red-Green-Blue)values,HSB(Hue-Saturation-Brightness)numbersorahexadecimalcodeforacolor,tofindits ...,Hueisadegreeonthecolorwheelfrom0to360.0(or360)isred,120isgreen,240isblue.Saturation.Saturationcanbedescribedastheintensityofa ...,2014年4月15日—ConverttheRGBvaluestotherange0-1,thiscanbedonebydividingthevalueby255for8-bitcolordepth(r,g,b-aregivenvalues):,B...

Color Name & Hue

With this little tool you can either enter RGB (Red-Green-Blue) values, HSB (Hue-Saturation-Brightness) numbers or a hexadecimal code for a color, to find its ...

Colors HSL and HSLA

Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 (or 360) is red, 120 is green, 240 is blue. Saturation. Saturation can be described as the intensity of a ...

Fastest formula to get Hue from RGB

2014年4月15日 — Convert the RGB values to the range 0-1, this can be done by dividing the value by 255 for 8-bit color depth (r,g,b - are given values):


Because HSL and HSV are simple transformations of device-dependent RGB models, the physical colors they define depend on the colors of the red, green, and blue ...


... colors with maximal saturation in HSV and HSL with their corresponding RGB coordinates. Hue circle in 24 colors (15°). Preucil describes a color hexagon ...

Hue, Value, Saturation

They are produced as secondary colors when RGB light hues are mixed, as follows: Blue + Red light –> Magenta; Red + Green light –> Yellow; Green + Blue light –> ...

RGB to HSL converter

RGB to HSL color space converter and conversion formula ... RGB to HSL color conversion. Enter red, green and blue ... Hue (H):, °. Saturation (S):, %. Lightness (L):

RGBxy Color Conversion

The calculator below transforms xy color values to sRGB (with Gamma correction) and vice versa. x, y, bri. Hue color. Color ...

Shift hue of an RGB Color

2011年12月14日 — Try doing this...rotate the hue to only 1 degree (Just to force the algo to work properly while keeping the same perception sensitivity of the ...

What are hue, saturation and brightness?

Hue, saturation and brightness, or HSB, are aspects of color in the red, green, and blue (RGB) scheme. These terms are most often used in reference to the color ...